Tuesday, February 20, 2007

hello everyone,
i apologize for my lack of entries over the past two months or so. i've been busy moving in and out of places, rolling around in my bed and laughing with starfish, making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (with incredible amounts of each - the perfect marriage of food as she says), and giving my dear (innocent) friend "yangley wang" too many swirlies in too few days.

i read to her this morning, A Young Girl in 1941 with No Waist at All by mr salinger over there ( i saw a picture of him and pointed out to teresa how grumpy he looked ), which i enjoyed very much. it made me so happy to hear her voice 30 minutes after she said she would be leaving for school. i miss her terribly, and i miss the smiles she always seems to put on my face, and i love how when i said i love you on the phone (i apologized right afterward, cause i say it too often i think and i don't want her to get the wrong idea) but she immediately gave me a phone kiss and i was all too happy (i still am) and now i don't know WHAT to do.

(i will update a little more later, my sandwich was waiting, but i do feel good writing, though an incredibly short amount - i've missed it)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

a lackadaisical way of creating a myriad of stories and tall tales would be as such:
living life, eyes completely open (the widest you've ever opened them), running frantically into as many people and walls as you possibly can,

while remembering this:
no one person is ever the solution to your life's problem
but it is in turn what you do (and how [and let's not sugarcoat this] SHE will inevitably influence your life's work) for yourself and for them
the endless amount of

but if i stopped being fertile right now
like if i stopped this entire conversation dead in its tracks and said
listen baby
i'm fertile as all hell
would you keep listening
or start thinking about which window to throw the brick out of
when my head comes bobbling down the sidewalk

Saturday, February 03, 2007

yesterday we threw a small party at my house. endless covers of songs we think we know the words to

persevering against big bellied monsters and unfruitful amounts of hair