Sunday, December 17, 2006

after killing my throat with cigarettes and marijuana (i also killed my stomach lining with greasy pizza and alcohol, which went fabulously with my medication)
i slipped under the covers and looked around
my throat is sore
i think i hurt my dad's feelings when i asked him, "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME" as he interrupted my sleep with sausage and eggs. i gotta stop doing that, i should just gobble it all up and shower and get ready for the day instead of getting angry at him. it's just so warm and comfortable in there, like its always been, like it used to be when it was 5 in the morning and i had to wake up to do my physics projects, like when it was 6:30 and i didn't want to get up and fucking shower, i would wake up half an hour later, hair ablaze, dripping with grease follicles, no toothbrush in mouth maybe mouthwash in hair

i'm so rough


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