and carl wasn't a bad guy either. he was very kind and decent and good-hearted. he was just a victim of circumstance (and some poor choices in retrospect). whenever him and riley would take naps in the afternoon, he would wait for her to fall asleep and whisper things like this into her ear:
"hi princess. i know you're sleeping and everything but i just wanted to let you know that i love you and i can't possibly imagine life without you. this is perfect. look at you."
he would then press his cheek against hers and kiss her on the forehead and drift off to sleep. naps were carls favorite activity with riley. he could sleep and sleep and whenever he opened his eyes she would be there. i think that's why he would always drift off to sleep. just to wake up next to her
if only i had given carl more confidence in himself. ever since they broke up i don't think i've seen him (truly) laugh once
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