Sunday, October 15, 2006

i was just wondering if people wondered what was on their favorite authors' desks while they were writing epic works, and i don't know about them, but my desk is a goddamn mess.

thorough details-

1 bottle of each:
daily multi vitamins
st. john's wort
valerian root
super b complex
vitamin c
vitamin e
gingko biloba
(explanation: too many hard drugs, and too much worry. the melatonin and valerian root is for my insomnia, which no doubt has been caused by the tragic event of gene siskel's death. the zinc is actually quite terrible. there's this site where you can enter these code numbers on the bottles and if you earn enough points you get coupons towards more vitamins. so, being pretty ridiculous myself, i went on an adventure throughout my whole household to see if there were any of these company's vitamins laying around, and sure enough i found some zinc. sometimes i wonder if hemingway or burroughs were this cheap. and i'm not even cheap! i spend copious amounts of money on steak and candy and cds yet i want to save on vitamins! and it still scares me to buy "discount" vitamins at the store. who WOULD want to buy them? i have this friend named matt who always tells me to get my vitamins online and i always make fun of him for being cheap even when it comes to nutrients that replenish your body. "buy in bulk!" he would say)

1 bottle of water

a cup of very cold tea

a blue swirly sherlock pipe i use for smoking

this ty card dasha made for me a long time ago, where it's as if i were a beanie baby and there was this tag made for me, and well, um, yeah. (wow, it's probably just been sitting there without me even touching it for a while now)

my computer monitor and keyboard

best of christopher walken dvd

marlboro lights (i've started to hate these, but i don't know what i should replace them with. maybe i should just stop smoking altogether. what a comical turn of events!!)

flyswatter that's shaped like a hand. my mom used to hit me and my sister with these, which looking back on it, is pretty funny

bank statement saying i've overdrawn about a million times

game boy color

lotion (um)

this sick energy drink called red line that apparently maureen gets and drinks with alcohol so she's basically a queen bee buzzing all over the fucking place, and if you've seen this you know it to be true ( i just threw it away )

scattered coins dust and dayquil

i forgot what the original point of this post was. maybe something to do with learning about the authors themselves along with reading their works. it's fascinating to do


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