issac asimov i love your hair

and this lovely lady here is gertrude stein. she has quite a stern look on her face as usual. actually she looks like isaac started taking pictures of her while he was completely naked and covered in bananas and she's just like isaac, again?
anyway the reason i bring these two people up is that they are two of the most famous self-proclaimed geniuses of their time. and they looked so ridiculous! but they never EVER doubted their own creativity and genius. and i love them for it. gertrude is actually really funny, have you ever read the autobiography of alice b. toklas? it's basically a long book about how great gertrude was. and when i read isaac's biography, he never stopped to doubt himself.
because to them
the rest of the world could either fuck off
or live together in peace and happiness
and it didn't even matter that isaacs hair was floppy or gertrudes hair was like a biscuit. they were loved and respected and they never seemed to get unhappy at all! writing was their stress outlet, but it was also their creative outlet, and god, how i want to be like that
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