Wednesday, October 11, 2006


a wild shaking of bodies, her distraught fingers needed assurance that the night would go on, k grabbed her and charmed her,

wait are you serious, you can't write shit like that, that's stupid. k is just the guy from the trial and the castle and like franzy boy you can't think of a name and k just sounded okay. do you think that if kafka knew all of his works were published that he would've beaten the hell out of his agent? probably not, he sounded feeble in his WRITER sort of way. i wouldn'tve gotten along with kafka, never, he reminds me of that quiet kid in the corner that just goes crazy after a while (myself), and

headaches, my mind is muddled and uncreative. i can't think of something interesting to write about, the music is just cluttering my brain, when that shuts off each entry becomes mundane and bland, i can't seem to
find something i'm truly interested in,
true subject

yeah well not in this lifetime. REALITY is so boring


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