rolling around in montreal with mike and anastasia like puppies, realizing our dream of having a jazz band and having a (nonexistant) thanksgiving with them;
abandoning old thoughts of lust and love, over someone whose brain and face i used to adore, but now, pacing every so confidently into the right direction,
i am ever so floaty
thinking about the girl(STARFISH) who would send me ee cummings poems on my birthday
and how i am going to charm the hell out of her
with a cornucopia that contains everything that's been ready to explode out of my heart and soul and mind
because she has been the only one that has had a beautiful set of everything
but dasha dear,
i went back in time using a time machine i bought here in philadelphia and though the liberty bell will never be the same, i thought it was fun when we would put it atop our heads and walk around like goons, you all the time asking "what the heck IS this" and i would emphatically reply, "a time machine!"
i made it a point for you to know that it would be eternally untrue if someone were to say "he never loved you,"
and now i want to make it a point for you to know that
the togo's turkey sandwich that you love so much has both of our names on it.
i miss everyone - especially dom and becky, because i think they should have come with me to montreal - but am desperate for new things and am finally ready to plow through canada frantically swinging at possible home runs and grand slams
oh, and so he doesn't feel that what he did for me was unappreciated, thanks matt for keeping me here so long. i probably smoked two thousand cigarettes in your room without you knowing about it, so thanks for putting up with me
i hate your goddamn town and state though, and when teresa asked me to tell her about it i really didn't know what to say.
godDAMN do i feel amazing
this is what i get to look forward to now:
- a french speaking town filled with hipsters and alcohol ready to nourish my bones
- a german-speaking (poor and forgotten) girl with blonde hair and blue eyes ready to jump my bones
- a russian and french speaking girl that is ready to get down to phantom limb
- a pueblo speaking girl that is ready to have the best christmas ever (oh little arizona artist, i am so ready to tell you everything that's been happening, goddamn you at the end makes me feel so happy to be going hoooooooooome)
if that german speaking girl decides to snatch me away (deservingly so)
you all must find it in your hearts to forgive me.
as dom said to me while rolling the other night,
"you're not crazy george, you're just depressed"
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