Friday, April 16, 2004

I hope more than the one person writing this regrets it. Fucking. Me. We'll all float on okay. And we'll all float on anyway. Someone once told me not to sing those words out loud, but I did anyway because I thought the song was catchy. Good news, Anastasia. Good news.

I really had a good night with Dasha. We didn't really do much, but it was nice to have the company of someone who isn't full of shit, and can laugh when things are funny and understand why they're laughing. I fucked around with her when she said my car smelled like smoke.

We went to see "Kill Bill part 2", although neither of us have seen the first one. I thought it was pretty good, although I wish I saw the first part first, not because of the storyline, because the deaths look so much more hilarious. There was this one part near the end where Uma Thurman did this move that was supposed to make Bill's heart explode, but they didn't show it. I was hoping there would be more blood, but I did laugh when she ripped out a one eyed girl's remaining eye. Ha.

I saw Alan and Theresa before the movies started, and I ditched them because they couldn't get tickets. I really wished Alan had bought a ticket for himself at least, because I miss hanging out with him. I was supposed to go to his birthday party, but his girlfriend never told me the details. Well actually she did, but too long ago. Theresa looked happy to see me because apparently she is in love with me and not Victor, which makes me upset because they are both my friends. Alan just looked happy for no reason, and commented on how great my hair was. Or at least I'd like to think so.

During the movie I kept looking over at Dasha and I noticed how nice her eyes are. Not in the way that I'm obsessing over them, but in the way that I feel relieved when I look at them. Like if I continued to hang out with this girl, cigarettes wouldn't be need anymore. I shouldn't have said that figuring both her and Teresa are going to read this, and either laugh at how emo I'm sounding or feel awkward. Ha ha! Fuck them, I don't care anyway.

I called up this girl Caila when Dasha and I were at Borders pretending to be intellectuals because we were bored and needed ideas. I think we both didn't want to go home at ten. Caila was unhelpful and told me to just take Dasha to Athenian (this old school I used to take summer classes at) and look at the stars and make out. I was totally fine with this (ha ha!) but I'm sure Dasha would feel awkward. I wouldn't mind just the stars though. I remember I was sitting on a bench there when I was little because I didn't like taking Algebra in 7th grade and I saw a turkey go by and no one believed me. I wish I had a camera, I'd probably frame it somewhere.

I don't feel as great as I did a few minutes ago so I'll cut this entry short. I suddenly have a craving for caramel chocolates.




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