Wednesday, May 09, 2007

not wanting to do what i'm presently doing, and having my dreams take different shapes as they seem to largely be determined by someone other than myself.

of course, deep down, i don't REALLY know what my dreams are. to be a success. to be happy. but over the course of my life i've started to define my dreams, and i think that's where my problems lie. i've been told this point over and over again, by elders or friends or family, but i never really understood what it meant to take a look at yourself, just yourself, and to be happy.

i know the types of things i want to be doing in a few years, and the types of people i would like to surround myself with. however, how does someone get rid of all the angst and trouble that accompanies dreams like these?

the answer is you CAN'T!!!

in this brief exercise we learned that
1. dreams are futile.
2. girls are crazy.
3. this author can really deviate from his true meaning, and that if you look at his first two points carefully you may realize that he could sort of be joking in a way, but be serious in another, and have both points be completely and reasonably valid.

4. you should pay 29.99 for my home course in dreamonomics. you won't be sore about it either. i mean, i'm not going to tell you that you'll be surprised and pleased with the results, but you'll stop being so goddamn sore.

( w h o knows what types of flowers we'll become?
we're just budding budding buds
buds buds buds
budding everywhere
within and therein
and herein and wherein?
flowers-dee-diddly we?)


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