Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Can someone have a more silly goodbye then that?

After all the heart-wrenching arguments, the deep body massages, the kisses on the napes of every neck that holds importance, the long gazing looks when neither person expects anything back, the fragility of the female body (but strong enough to crush a man's ribs), i could not find a better goodbye than:

standing at the air-port lightly touching each other and then when the final moments of my departure were imminent, i looked her in the eye and said,
"i'm leaving soon."

and she simply replied,
"i know."

we hugged each other for longer (and more affectionately) than we had ever hugged before, and as her fingers slipped out of my palms, i felt the saddest attraction i had ever felt up to that point. it was a completely mutual longing, filled with cautious glances back to see when the other person would disappear from sight. and when it finally happened, the moment before we would slip out of each other's lives for some time again, i wanted to run back and kiss her but all i could do was wave. and she smiled, those eyes of her whispering, "romantically awkward, eh?", both of us yearning for just one more touch

but nope.
it's a matter of strength, of boldness, of style, isn't it?


it's more of a matter of whether or not i can completely rescue myself from a pit of despair that wasn't all that deep to begin with. a hole that is filled with such tragic ideas as self-assurance, true real life independence, a sense of maturity and responsibility, and a newfound want of all my dreams to come true and the development of all my skills and talents for fantasies to become realities.

in other words,

i'll miss the hell outta you owl baby.
don't fly too far from the nest, ya hear? i'll flutter back and help you do laundry sometimes, i know how much you hate that. and you can have the lumpy nest, i promise. you sure do sleep better that way.

goodbye, for now.
we'll see each other soon. what else is there to say? i can't think of a thing.


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