Sunday, December 26, 2004

I woke up late and watched an awful movie called collateral with tom cruise and jamie foxx while Dasha practiced her SAT's and I did nothing but rot away my brain.

I would like to save up a few thousand dollars by the time I go off by myself to college, and another few thousand dollars for a video camera and video editing software. I think I really would like to be a film maker, but I need the money to start off. Once I turn 18, I will start my journey to becoming a film maker.

We went to Milpitas for pho today, which was pretty good after we ate. You see, I invited Lucas and Victor and these two asian girls that Dasha absolutely hated because she thinks I love other asian girls, and the entire meal was pretty unenjoyable. We later agreed that we would've had more fun without the girls. Girls aren't funny. Anyway, we tried to run away on our scooters (or DASHA'd away hahaha) to Tapioca Express for milk tea and shit, but they drove and beat us anyway. well fuck them. we got three peach milk teas which were delicious and no snacks. afterwards we went to the arcade and played air hockey and photo hunt and trivia and got new high scores.

then we went to the park and were very loving to each other.

this was one great day. the reason it's written so horribly is because the memory is mine alone and i don't want you to have it. well dasha is ok. cya.


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