i know its really mean and condescending, and i know that's the exact opposite of what i want to convey in this journal, but boy am i happy reading the journals of people that used to hate me in high school and seeing them talk about the most typical things and then having very "deep" conversations afterwards.
my hair is SO goddamn floppy
i have this really pretty girl that lives in winnipeg waiting for me right now. the brag part is how goddamn nice her legs are. she also paints me into things. and her taste in music is incredible, her heart hurts right now, so i won't brag about that, but i WILL brag about how much she loves me because it makes me feel really good.
i think it's great that everyone's miserable but me!
i am generally miserable and like to read a lot in the mornings. i'm terribly sick right now and all i can think about is blowing my nose and all i really do i wait for someone to call me until im sick of doing that and then i usually go and wonder what my life is all about
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