i went to the funeral this morning,
and though i grieved like hell, i don't think there's much else to talk about. the service was really depressing (i didn't wear any black because i don't have any black clothes in my luggage! grandma would have laughed though), but it brought some closure to an otherwise elusive topic. i've been running away a lot lately. it's been a really stressful week.
so i started writing about old seymour and this girl asura he's falling for, and i suppose that's what i've been thinking about lately. does one really create love stories out of nowhere? or does experience usually dictate creativity? i don't know. one day i can be creative and boisterously funny as all hell, and another i can be ordering filets at the grocers. "two filets please, and a shot of loneliness!"
Seymour, 22, has just finished his studies in computer engineering (basically, a route i thought of taking at one point in my life. boy was i foolish back then) at Brigham Young University (my uncle went here. he became a "mormon" afterwards, whatever that means. he has had three wives, never at the same time. interesting if he would have though, RIIIITE??). He is fabulously well-to-do, though this fact is not revealed to Asura for quite some time. He enjoys reading, watching Japanese animation, and finding out about all sorts of different music on the internet. He is generally content and happy with life, and makes great strides to take care of himself physically. He is not muscular really, but dresses nice and is very handsome. He is about 5'7-5'9 with long black hair (down below his earlobes or so). [unlike the other characters that are based off me, i don't want him to be completely melodramtic. i mean he'll be nervous and anxious and dorky as all hell sometimes, but he won't be melodramatic. that's a characteristic i've wanted to snatch away from characters at all times]
Asura, 23, graduated a year ago in molecular biology from UC San Diego. She is a small town girl of eastern european descent [what's WITH me and those crazy europeans?! TELL ME!!]. She is terribly sweet and works at the veterinarian hospital as a nurse. She has three dogs, all of which she found injured on the road, and when unable to find their original owners, she brought them in as her own. Unlike most of the girls SEYMOUR's dated in the past, she's a head shorter than he is, around 5'2, and wraps around his body perfectly. She has wavy brown hair down to her shoulders and is constantly giggling and telling jokes. One distinct feature that she has that SEYMOUR really enjoys is that she has yet to try and CHANGE him. This is one thing everyone likes about ASURA, actually. She listens and is easy to talk to and doesn't try to change anyone. She is heavily into electronic/indie music, anime, and JAPANESE CULTURE.
"their first meeting"
(SEYMOUR and ASURA have just met for the first time, after talking a good long while on the internet. They are strolling down Broadway(city unknown, but a city nevertheless with a broadway street) talking nervously and casually bumping into each other. They are really very attracted to one another, and know it immediately. SEYMOUR, with the ability to be charming and suave, disintegrates into a puddle of fumbly gooze [i wanted to combine GOON and OOZE, so um], and talks about nothing in particular. ASURA picks up on this and finds it terribly attractive he's trying so hard)
ASURA: Hey, I suppose the new Harold Trotter is out, do you like him?
SEYMOUR: As much as the next guy I suppose.
ASURA: Well I'M not really into it. I think he's sort of annoying really. I'm REALLLY into gourd of the kings though.
SEYMOUR: Oh... I don't really like Gourd of the kings, i mean it was OKAY i guess but i kept falling asleep and -
ASURA: (eyes him and wonders what he's trying to do with this) Um.
SEYMOUR: I mean, it was okay, I was just hoping Rory or whatever his name was would have some POWERS or something.
ASURA: His name is Proto, and I think he was awfully sweet. (trying to change the subject) Hey. I'm really hungry, lets go get some pizza okay?
(They walk into a pizza shop where it is SMOLDERING inside. Sweat begins to drip from their foreheads)
ASURA: (Awkwardly) Sure is hot, huh?
SEYMOUR: (wiping sweat off his head and neck with a pizza) mmhmm.
ASURA: (sort of ignoring this strange sweat-absorbing method) You're really cute.
SEYMOUR: (choking) So are you!
ASURA: (flattered anyway) Thanks. (She guides his arms around her and smiles wide. The tension is eased a bit at this point)
SEYMOUR: What are you getting?
ASURA: I was thinking I would get Pup-eroni and Kush-rooms. The pup-eroni is made out of PUPPIES! (laughs hysterically, SEYMOUR just sort of smiles and stares wide-eyed) Oh, I was joking! Um, (sort of looks down awkardly and pulls out some cigarettes from her purse) do you smoke?
ASURA: I'm not too hungry anymore, let's go have a cigarette on the patio.
Girls NEVER like it when guys try too hard! And what happened intermittently? Did they put pup-eroni on each others' nipples? Did they talk about childhood? I like it anyway, I guess. The other morning I woke up laughing: how self-absorbed and pretentious are we; basing every single character off ourselves?! {As if I know how to write any other way.}
Anyhow, I'll be home at 8:30 or so, call me.
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