Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Today was very exciting. I can't really explain my last entry, except I felt infinite when I wrote it. The way you walk across the park late at night while smoking a cigarette, and the crickets chirping feels like harmony in your head. In your soul.

In English class I was feeling very good, because I am on Improv team now, and for some reason, that boosts my self esteem in everything. I'm much more cheery. And usually everyone is very nervous about reading their essays but I didn't care today. So Mister Rice told this girl Doris that she was going to read her essay in the front of the class next Monday (we have essays due every Monday, which I think is fabulous), and he asked if anyone was going to read theirs with Doris, thinking no one was going to say they would, but I raised my hand and slammed it against the desk and said, "I will, Mister Rice!". And he said okay, and everyone kind of looked at me like I was crazy. And when he asked me how my Russian was (he assigned me a report about Tolstoy who is Russian), I said excellent. And everyone laughed. And I was in a good mood, although everyone get's C's on their essays, and the highest anyone has ever gotten is a B. And I got a B on the essay he handed back today, and I was happy.

Actually, that's about it, except that I walk across the school park at lunch now to smoke a cigarette. And I've been feeling that I don't need cigarettes that much anymore.




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