I have come to the conclusion after many years of ignorance that I absolutely hate people.
The first event to trigger this was about a week ago when I was walking to Drama class. Honestly, I don't bullshit my way to class by walking to class with someone I couldn't care less about talking about how I'm going to smoke weed with them on the weekends. I'm introverted. I don't like dealing with stupid conversation. However, I do like fucking around and making jokes that are of a funny nature with a few buddies. Anyway, I was walking to class and I stopped and talked with a guy on my improv team, Mike. Anyway, me and Mike were talking and all of a sudden some guy pushed me and said, "Get out da way, fool." And I just looked at him and said, "Faggot shit!" And he kept walking looking at me, yelling taunts, and I really couldn't have cared less. Finally, this guy threw his orange juice bottle at us, hitting some random kid in the leg and getting juice all over him. Of course me and Mike laughed at this, not really paying much attention to it. A few days later, this same moron pushed this kid Daniel in my PE class for no reason, just trying to get through. Where the FUCK do people like that get off? Finally this guy Alex was fed up with it, and he just said to the guy, "Wow, big man," and the guy pushed HIM trying to act tough too. Then he knocked off Alex's glasses. I laughed about it, because I realized how stupid he was, and we ignored it.
Anyway, what really triggered this hate was a few minutes ago when my sister was telling me how her friends think I'm a nerd 'cause I'm Asian I guess. This girl in my drama class asked me for a quote for the school paper dealing with "secret music tastes". I gave her this quote: "After a long day at school, I like to lie on my bed and cry the tears away with some soft Justin Timberlake." Now seriously, if you don't get I was being sarcastic, you are a moron. My sister was telling me how she was embarassed because people around her were taking this SERIOUSLY, saying I was a loser. At this point, I just grew really frustrated and went outside and had a cigarette. This is why I fucking smoke, this is why I hate people. I just really hate dealing with it.
I realize that most of the people who know me know otherwise, but it still bothers me knowing people still judge people based on not knowing them at all. No, I'm not going on a shooting rampage, but seriously, people need to hurl themselves at a wall and kill themselves.
Anyway, this made me even madder because I've done it myself so many times, and I finally realize my mistake.
"People's stupidity is frustrating."
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