Friday, November 21, 2003

It depressed me when Rene started to give me a lecture about smoking. She kept asking me why I smoked, and I always gave her the same answer. Stress Relief. I kept laughing when she asked me and looked at me with concerned eyes, but after a few minutes, she was starting to irritate the hell out of me. Boy, by the fourth or fifth time she asked me that same goddamn question I was starting to feel really sorry that I was giving her a ride home. After this entire affair, my sister said that she liked Rene because she had the courage to confront me about smoking. This normally would have made me laugh, but it upset me that my sister's voice got so unnecessarily high when Rene was in the car.

This morning was quite irritating as well. I've had this terrible cough for the past two days now, so I've been missing tryouts for Drama class. Coincidentally during my absence, these two girls named Kiley and Anusha both wanted to try out for MY part. You know, the part of the suave radiocaster named Walter who actually symbolizes Walter Winchell. At first I laughed at this because I felt that there was no way in hell that our teacher would give a girl the part of a flirtatious male. What really knocked me out was that they both tried out for the part at the same time. They alternated lines while acting like complete morons. I was glad that the entire class agreed with me that they were horrible and that I should have the part. People were telling them while I was sick that they needed to stop because I was the best candidate for the role, and that it wasn't fair because I was gone. Kiley replied, "Thanks for supporting your classmates." That line kills me.

And then off to a wonderful evening at work.

There is a certain aspect about work that crushes my spirit entirely. Perhaps it's the fact that the kids who are employed there have to deal with my father. It's quite embarassing and depressing at times to see so many people glare at him, giving him a look that says, "I certainly hope someone claws your eyes out." Maybe it's because of the woman who says, "Men forget everything," when the man at the table forgets to leave a tip, and on their way out the woman forgets their leftovers, melting away on the table.

I certainly do not like to be bothered at work, especially after I realized I would have to quit smoking sooner or later. I can feel my lungs choking sometimes. The noisy nonstop ring of the telephones, the bony pale white girl, and the woman slowly counting out change from her coinpurse don't help either.

And of course, I get to stare down at the happy couple whose names are "Kent" and "Ashley" - Kent with his broad shoulders and handsome smile, and Ashley with her glossy lipstick and her strawberry bleached hair. A couple like this is very unsettling to watch when you can feel your mind exploding. Even worse to watch is the Bible study group who gathers in a restaurant to do their goddamn worship. Jesus Christ.




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