Things are going mediocre.
Mediocre is a vocabulary word I learned when I was in sixth grade. My uncle used to make me learn vocab words, and for every word I learned, he'd give me a dollar. But eventually, I lost to him in a bunch of card games, so I ended up owing him fifty words. So when the time came around that he was going to come over to see if I learned them or not, I started studying like a maniac. And by studying like a maniac I mean cramming fifty words into my head in one day. Now for a sixth grader, that's no easy task. So what I did was, I started learning the words subconsciously. I would look at the word and its definition, and I would let it sit in my head for a while.
This didn't work out too well.
What ended up happening was that I would memorize these words, but I didn't memorize the word persay. I memorized the number that corresponded to it on the list. See, the words were on flashcards, and the flashcards were numbered 1-50. So when he started quizzing me, I would ask for the number instead of the word, and I got them all right. It kind of frightened him that I could memorize definitions by number and not by word, so he made me do it by the word. I ended up not knowing a lot of them, and he ended up just laughing at me about it. I hope all of this has made sense.
Last Saturday me and Kevin (who went with me to the Saves the Day concert) went out to a movie with Corinna and her boyfriend. I used to like Corinna a lot, but I ended up ruining it by being too emotional. We started talking again recently, and it's very nice, except that she has a boyfriend and it's kind of awkward for the both of us.
Before the movie however, we wanted to go to Borders, so we ended up looking through the CD selection there, and Kevin kept on flipping through a lot of old CD's. The Who, The Rolling Stones, The Pixies, The Smiths, and so on. I think it's funny that I wear a Pixies shirt and a Smiths shirt even though I don't know very many of their songs. And this kid at school always says I'm awesome and always points to me as if "I rock" because I listen to these bands.
Anyway, I saw Kate at borders at the magazine section, but I didn't say anything because I think she was with her boyfriend. I thought her boyfriend was my friend Rob for a second, and I was about to go say hello, but I didn't because I saw his face. And I pointed out to Kevin that that was Kate and that I thought she was very pretty. And that was that.
So at the movies, we were waiting around for Corinna, and I started smoking a cigarette. This wasn't good timing on my part. Her dad pulled up right when I was smoking it, and Corinna got angry at me, and said not to stand around her because her dad would get mad at her. I thought she was really mad at me, even though she wasn't. She told me she was just nervous later on.
When we were about to sit down, Corinna sat down with her boyfriend on the edge seats, and kept giving me this awkward look that I couldn't quite decipher. I kept thinking that she didn't want me to sit down with her, so me and Kevin just went and sat down across the theatre. Later on she told me that she didn't understand why we did that because she wanted to go see the movie with us. I told her that I thought she didn't want us to sit next to her because her boyfriend was there, and she said that was silly. I don't know. I think I'm just paranoid about the whole thing. I honestly wasn't in the mood to see them making out during the movie anyway.
In history class today our teacher gave us a long lecture about Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. I don't really get history, but I suppose I understand why we have to learn it, even though we always "repeat history". And there was this boy named Chris (who always seems very intelligent, as if he watches the disney channel) who was saying all these controversial things about the entire time period we were talking about, and I started thinking how he reminded me of one of those professors in a history documentary, and how Chris should have been smoking a pipe and playing a chess game or something.
And during all this time I was looking over at this girl named Jenna and she looked like she knew exactly what I was thinking.
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