Right now, I'm feeling facetious.
Let's start off from last Friday. I worked until about eight at the restaurant, feeling hateful, as Jessica quit a long time ago and I've had to work every Friday for about a month or so. I shouldn't whine about this, but it really has been stressing me out as I've quit smoking and things have been irritating me more than they should. Natalie was also working as one of the waiters is in China for the next couple of weeks. Natalie is my father's indentured servant who he likes to call whenever he feels he needs extra help. She never really needs to be there, but since she is desperate for money and my father pays more than anyone in the area, she helps out. I think she just feels bad for me and my sister, but whatever. That was two years ago, I'm done bitching THAT. Okay so Natalie is there, and we're not saying anything as I'm always the person who has to start the conversation and when it's not me people label me as boring or quiet. I hate it when I have to talk first.
Okay so anyway I'm feeling shitty so I end up going over to Dasha's as she always cheers me up on the weekends. More like I always cheer HER up. Ha ha ha! God. Anyway, I pick her up and head over to the Grange, which is this local venue where middle school girls go to get some STD's from cute boys in grange-y bands. By grange-y I mean totally cliché and awful and whatever the fuck "scene" means. You know, studded belts, "too hard" or "too soft" voices, and luscious eyes. It's like living in the goddamn sixties all over again.
On the way to this glorious location, I got in a car accident. Wasn't my fault, but I was still pretty upset. I was about to turn right off a red light, but this lady crashed right into me. When I asked her what happened, she asked me if I had heard "the firecracker". I wanted to laugh, but I knew she was just trying to get out of fault. Hey, my grandmother just looked in my room for a second and closed my door after she saw I was looking at her. I think she was going to ask me if I was hungry like she always does around this time at night. My heart aches. Not in the fake way, either.
Yeah, so Dasha and I are at this show and I end up seeing Kelly there with Jess and Marissa which is wonderful. Jess, the girl who I am now working for enjoying her Friday night. I'm not mad at her or anything, I think she's a good person, it just makes me angry that kids my age are enjoying their Friday nights when I'm hanging out with my father, the man I be in thirty years. No, I don't want THAT.
Okay, so we're at this concert which is much too "hardcore" for my tastes, and Dasha and I end up sitting on one of the side benches during the last set. We only caught the last set because it was already ten when we got there, and all the other bands had already played. We didn't miss much from what I was told(besides the "black hardcore singer" Kelly told me about yesterday). Anyway, so this band "Time in Malta" is playing and kids are dancing like idiots because they are unhappy with their lives, and I'm just sitting there with my girlfriend looking bored. By the end of the show, I was into the music a little, but not too much. This paragraph lacked a thesis, which is braggable. On a side note, I was wearing this hilarious blue and white American Eagle beanie I found in my room. This girl Stephanie told me it made my head look enormous.
So after the waste of time, we start talking to our friend Cody who used to be in love Dasha, and invite him to go to this party that this girl was having in Dublin. He agreed and we sped off to this mystery party. No one there knew who we were, just that we were "big fans" of the host's band (which is god-awful, by the way). We just sort of sat in the poor girl's house playing guitar and eating her food, acting very stoned. Cody, especially. I just kind of lied there trying to sleep with Cody's guitar case acting as a blanket. I think Dasha just stared. We eventually left after getting feelings that nobody liked us. We went to a diner afterwards and got milkshakes, which was nice. We stayed there for about an hour with my arm once again around Dasha. It was a good end to a bad night.
I want to skip the next two days, but I'll just shorten it. Saturday morning my six year old cousin woke me up around nine to play pokemon. It was then that I was informed I had to baby-sit him and his brother for a couple of hours. I don't really remember what happened during that time, but I can tell you I left around five because I was going crazy. I saw Blaise that night and started smoking again. I don't know why, but he just has this sort of influence on me. I also admitted that I liked cigarettes too much to quit. He picked me up in his old red truck and we ate Chinese food in the parking lot of my school. It was dark and gloomy with a nice thick breeze. I really felt infinite though, which I haven't felt in quite a damn while. We ended up staying up late doing nothing. His roommate Steve kept telling us we were gay because we shared a bed, which was great.
The next morning Blaise and I took my two younger cousins (Harrison who is twelve and Joseph who is six) to watch "Troy" featuring Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom. I thought it was funny that my aunt Cindy was fine with her six year old watching an R-rated movie. The movie was pretty awful and historically inaccurate. The best part was when Brad Pitt stabbed some guy in the neck and Joseph leaned over and asked me if "the guy ate the knife". He also kept asking me who and where "Troy" was as if he were a person. On a side note, Harrison kept hitting Joseph for no reason and I got really angry. I ended up punching Harrison for no reason and asking him, "What the hell is wrong with you?!"
That night was bad. We went to a grill and my dad yelled at a manager. I felt like leaving, but my uncle Harry was calm.
Skipping most of the week, I'll just tell you what happened yesterday: This guy Charles who is ghetto and white ran into Dasha in the hall and hurt her jaw and called her a bitch which pissed me off. Blake offered to help me beat him up, but I figured it wasn't worth the trouble to get involved with him and his friends. A few hours later we saw Charles in the lunch hall and I stared him down for a few seconds. After a bit he started to confront me and ask me, "why the hell I was starin' at him". I didn't really say anything except ask him what he was going to do, but this lunch lady told him to stop it and he did. I don't really care that much anymore, except that it bothers me that people are ruining the world.
Today was the worst day I've had in a while. I really mean it too. It makes me feel that a lot of times I've felt emotional about girls or parents or change were in vain. You know what I mean. The times where you cry and moan and INSIST that things were awful, but when you have a truly bad day you look back on things and realize you were full of shit in the first place. I don't really know what I'm trying to say here, but believe me, it's important as hell.
It started off with me getting into another car accident. I was trying to make a three point turn on this hill where I usually park (there were no available spots left) and as I was backing up, this kid tried to drive past me. I didn't even see him until I felt my car smash into his. My bumper was lightly bruised while his front door was hit pretty badly. The rest of the day was just awful after that. Two accidents in one week, but I guess I deserve it with all the bad karma I've built up lately. I need to stop telling bad jokes.
Drama was awful as I felt very apathetic and sad that I probably won't be making Play Productions next year. Lunch was just as bad, as all I wanted to do was take Dasha the hell away from school so we could be alone. I think it was History that really upset me though. Trish and this Canadian girl Jenna were talking about me and Dasha. "Did you know that George is going out with Dasha?" asked Trish. It was just the way she fucking asked it, as if I was uncapable of being with anyone. I wanted to seriously never talk to her again, but I calmed down and realized she was just being Trish. I want to meet her boyfriend and make fun of him. Her prom date was horrible. I'm glad I make fun of her about him.
I am going to quit smoking this time. It's my second attempt. I'm on day four. Fuck, I'm gaining weight. I don't care, though. I've been eating at diners every day this week. I'm just going to eat until my heart explodes.
P.S. I also got a ticket today, which sweetened the deal. No new CD's for me this Saturday.
hi kiddos.
hey bro, if you ever want to talk about anything i'll be there. also, we should totally just get a big team together and take on charles and all of his friends, the big guy that i know already said he'd get our backs.
you entries are not as equisite as before! It's almost boring.
ur so emo
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