So I figured I still need a place to record my thoughts.
The last few days have been uneventful and eventful all at the same time. Basically, I had to work both Friday and Saturday because I wanted to hang out with Grace today, but that didn't happen. For some reason, I just didn't feel like it. I'm still kind of mad at her, but I shouldn't really hold a grudge. I'm just not in the mood to feel horrible. Although that all you can eat barbeque kind of sounds good right now, I already made the choice. We'll hang out next week. I really need to get myself detached from her, but I'm very afraid I will grow obsessed over her. Plus I promise Blaise I wouldn't.
Last night I went over to my friend Kevin's old house. He's a very quiet intellectual kid who knows a lot about music and plays piano. He was telling me how he was at his old house because his friends wanted to smoke pot, and it seemed like he was kinda left out, because he was telling me how they kept laughing, but none of it was funny, and he was feeling awkward. And then he told me they were "fagots".
So when I got there, his friends went to get some more pot, so I just stood out on the porch smoking a cigarette talking to Kevin. I wish we could've talked more one on one about life in general, but his friends got back, so we had to shoot the bull with him. I went upstairs and was introduced to his friends Kelly, Evan, Kurt, and Bryan, although I already knew Bryan and Kurt.
Bryan is this guy who looks like he skates and listens to a lot of punk music. A lot of people don't like him because he's kind of annoying and pushy, but I think he's alright. I don't really "not like" people. I really like his hair. The last time I saw it was about a year ago and he had his head shaved or something. It's nice and long and soft. I want to grow it out like that. And when I was standing out on the porch smoking, he said that smoking was bad, and he was said he was kidding because he was already high.
And Kurt is this kid who I met at a party one time. He seems kind of quiet, and when he smokes, he inhales a lot. I started to call him Nightcrawler from the X-men because I thought it was a clever nickname. I'm sure only a few people would think that.
I don't really know Kelly, but she seemed nice enough so I left her alone. She was pretty at least. Later on I learned it was her first time smoking pot, which I felt was awful because she was probably feeling pressured to do it. I could just imagine her being the type of girl who goes to school and fakes a lot of stuff, and goes home and writes poems and cuts herself in the shower. Maybe not. Awful.
And Evan is this guy who brags that girls like him. He didn't really, but I could tell he's the type.
We ended up going to the park next to the house after a few minutes. There were about to smoke, but then this man around the age of 35 was walking by with his dog, and he stopped to talk to us. He started pointing out all of this graffiti claiming it was our fault even though we didn't even do anything. And Evan kept on talking back which wasn't really that smart of an idea. And the man kept saying that we should stand up for what's right and not let people graffiti on the park where little kids play. And he said he was the one who took all of it off. And after he left (he shook our hands to be friendly after threatening to "kick all of our asses if he saw us doing anything") everyone started talking bad about him. And I kind of ignored all of this and told them he was probably drunk. And they agreed. On a side note, he kept saying how we should have been home because it was two hours before curfew, which didn't really make sense.
So after a couple more hours of just talking and telling god-awful jokes, Kevin had to go home, so he kicked us all out of his house. So I ended up giving his best friend Christen a call, and I slept over at her house. This was very uneventful and boring because they were very sleepy. And this girl Lindsay was over, and she was kind of ditzy, as much as I hate that word. I honestly dislike ditzy girls who claim they are ditzes like they are proud of it or something. I also hate nailpolish.
So we just sat there and I was very quiet because I didn't really know what to say. Their conversations were about school and people and whatnot. It was all very superficial and awful. So we ended up watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3, which had horrible acting which I kept laughing at. And then we fell asleep.
And sometimes I wonder if Teresa does the same bullshit that I do. Hopefully things will get better. Improv team tryouts are on Tuesday and I'm very excited.